Category Archives: Future of the Mississippi River

Mississippi River Clean Water Depends on Citizen Support

Last December, a U.S. District Court ruled the Environmental Protection Agency has broad discretion in its application of its Clean Water Act. The upshot: the EPA’s CWA places primary responsibility on states to protect water and the federal government isn’t responsible … Continue reading

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Mississippi River Stakeholders: Let’s Get Organized

INFRASTRUCTURE: A word that’s finally getting much needed attention. What will all this attention mean for the Mississippi River? Specific interest groups are already organizing. While the Mississippi River may seem like an automatic recipient for strong infrastructure upgrades, based … Continue reading

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Mississippi River as a Connector

In a recent New York Times opinion piece, Parag Khanna, a senior fellow at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore, outlines how social and economic development increasingly pivots around infrastructure corridors rather than arbitrary boundaries like … Continue reading

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What to do about a Failing Mississippi River Grade

This is an old Pogo cartoon who’s caption, “We have met the enemy and he is US” came to mind when a report card for the Mississippi River showed a D+ grade for its infrastructure. Ironically, a major newspaper story … Continue reading

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Imagining the Internet & the Mississippi River

The Pew Research Center and Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center just released their 2014 predictions for the world’s internet interaction by 2025.  Their findings: the internet will be invisibly interwoven into people’s daily lives all over the globe. There will be … Continue reading

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Sustainable Mississippi River Requires Greater Public Awareness

The chemical spill in West Virginia put a fine point on it. We are all vulnerable when it comes to clean water.   Of course, the Mississippi River is included. Over 50 cities get their drinking water from the Mississippi River. … Continue reading

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Resolved: Increase National Awareness of Mississippi River For More Engagement

According to “Statistic Brain” an on-line statistics nonprofit, 45 percent of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions and 38 percent absolutely never make them. This year I’ll be one of the 45 percent and I hope I’m one of the eight … Continue reading

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Building Capacity for Change on the Mississippi River

The Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative marks real progress toward unified approaches for America’s great waterway. At their second annual meeting in St. Cloud, Minn. in June, the mayors expressed their understanding of and commitment to whole-river approaches to … Continue reading

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Great News for the Mississippi River at Mayor’s Meeting

Great News: Over fifty mayors from Mississippi River cities and towns have landed a Memorandum of Common Purpose with the Corps of Engineers. Announcing this on Thursday, June 27 at a St. Cloud, Minn. meeting of Mississippi River Cities and … Continue reading

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