Tag Archives: A 21st Century Approach to the Mississippi River

Mississippi River Clean Water Depends on Citizen Support

Last December, a U.S. District Court ruled the Environmental Protection Agency has broad discretion in its application of its Clean Water Act. The upshot: the EPA’s CWA places primary responsibility on states to protect water and the federal government isn’t responsible … Continue reading

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Mississippi River Stakeholders: Let’s Get Organized

INFRASTRUCTURE: A word that’s finally getting much needed attention. What will all this attention mean for the Mississippi River? Specific interest groups are already organizing. While the Mississippi River may seem like an automatic recipient for strong infrastructure upgrades, based … Continue reading

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What to do about a Failing Mississippi River Grade

This is an old Pogo cartoon who’s caption, “We have met the enemy and he is US” came to mind when a report card for the Mississippi River showed a D+ grade for its infrastructure. Ironically, a major newspaper story … Continue reading

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Great News for the Mississippi River at Mayor’s Meeting

Great News: Over fifty mayors from Mississippi River cities and towns have landed a Memorandum of Common Purpose with the Corps of Engineers. Announcing this on Thursday, June 27 at a St. Cloud, Minn. meeting of Mississippi River Cities and … Continue reading

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Four New Year’s Resolutions for the Mississippi River

 This January, it seems to be the fashion to disparage new year’s resolutions. Having said that, where would we be if we didn’t make efforts – resolutions – from time to time to get things done? This year is a … Continue reading

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The River’s Ready for Civic Engagement… Are You?

The rules for gaining public support for an idea, cause or product have changed dramatically. Just ask chief marketing officers for Fortune 500 companies, candidates for public office and non-profit directors. These changes have important implications for integrated approaches to … Continue reading

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