Tag Archives: National Dialogue for the Future of America’s Waterway

What to do about a Failing Mississippi River Grade

This is an old Pogo cartoon who’s caption, “We have met the enemy and he is US” came to mind when a report card for the Mississippi River showed a D+ grade for its infrastructure. Ironically, a major newspaper story … Continue reading

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Building Capacity for Change on the Mississippi River

The Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative marks real progress toward unified approaches for America’s great waterway. At their second annual meeting in St. Cloud, Minn. in June, the mayors expressed their understanding of and commitment to whole-river approaches to … Continue reading

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After the Flood; Engage Public for Future Mississippi River Management

As this anniversary passes and we go back to life on the River as usual – until the next great flood – those wrestling to find integrated management solutions for the Mississippi River Watershed would do well to look beyond the place-based approaches of the past and on to new, tested and effective public engagement tools for authentice citizen input. Continue reading

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The Mississippi River as a Social Network

Consider how new tools to address complex issues can be right in front of us, and we don’t recognize them. Social Network, the movie, shows us this. So does America’s Waterway, dedicated to using civic engagement and social networking tools to create unified approaches to the whole Mississippi River. Continue reading

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What We Might Learn From A Mapmaker

Recently those of us in the 21st century have increased our interest in those early days of photography. One reason is that we’re at a similar turning point with new technology causing us to see things differently. Continue reading

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Chesapeake Bay Strategy Offers Context for Mississippi River

In declaring the Chesapeake Bay a national treasure and committing to a robust clean-up effort, President Obama and the Environmental Protection Agency are creating a policy context for the futures of great American water bodies. Continue reading

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Mississippi River Waterfronts Add Up to More than Dollars and Cents

Riverfront developments up and down the Mississippi River add more value to their communities than just dollars and cents. One reason is that River planning – when done right – is a tool for civic engagement.

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Reflections on a Confluence

Last week’s Visions of a Sustainable Mississippi River was held at a confluence, at the same time that it was a confluence. Continue reading

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Ever Think of the Mississippi River as an Orphan?

Several speakers the first day of the Visions of a Sustainable Mississippi River Conference used the word “orphan” to describe the Mississippi River. It doesn’t have to be that way. Continue reading

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Unify the Vision – A Unified Mississippi Will Follow

Many who read this will say the Mississippi River is too vast and too varying to produce a unified vision, but we know from our history that it has often taken a unified vision to rally the kind of support needed to take monumental action. Continue reading

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